Sunday 16 November 2014

White Truffle Tagliolini

Alba White Truffle (approx 10g per person)
Pasta of your choice (i prefer using Tagliolini)
Onsen Egg (i prefer using Italian eggs as their yolks are golden yellow!)
Butter (1/2 to 1 tbsp per person)
Whipping Cream (1-2 tbsp per person)
Parmesan Cheese, Grated
White Truffle Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

How to Make:
1. Prepare onsen eggs by preparing hot water bath (sous vide) at 63'C. Once temperate is reached, lower eggs to the bottom of the hot water bath using a laddle or using a basket to avoid breaking the eggs and cook for 30-35 minutes.

2. Cook your pasta as per the instructions as shown on the pasta bag but less 30-60 seconds.

3. Once your pasta is ready, drain them. 

4. Using another pan, medium heat, add butter and when it's almost all melted, add the whipping cream and the grated cheese, then add the drained pasta and mix well quickly (1 minute) with salt and pepper. Turn off heat and mix with white truffle olive oil too.

5. Divide the pasta into serving plate, making a dent in the middle.

6. Gently break the cooked egg in a small bowl, then spoon out the cooked egg portion into the dent of the pasta. (sometimes some egg whites will still be watery, discharge that, and just spoon out the cooked egg). 

7. Shave Alba White Truffle on top and serve as soon as possible.


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