Sunday 3 April 2016

Japanese Egg Roll


3 eggs (preferably Italian eggs as they have very nice yellow color)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
some milk
a dash of vegetable oil

How to Make:

1. Mix the eggs with the ingredients above.

2. Prepare a rectangular pan for making this kind of omelette roll. Heat it up, add oil, then use a kitchen napkin to remove excess oil.

3. Pour egg mixture enough to form a thin layer on pan. Use chopsticks to stir the egg mixture at frying pan to make it cook faster. Once it's almost cooked, push and roll the omelette to the end of the pan like a block.

4. Use the kitchen towel and dap oil to the empty space of the frying pan, then add new egg mixture to the empty space of the frying pan and repeat above step a few times until all egg mixture are cooked.

5. Once all done, place the egg omelette to a bamboo sushi mat and roll it up to form a shape. Once cool down, place in fridge.

At first, it's not easy to manage to push and roll the eggs in the frying pan. But keep trying and practice makes perfect!


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